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  • Visualizing Future Polytechnic Education

  • Continuous updating of curriculum

  • Faculty training in tune with curriculum revision.

  • Strengthening Industry Institute Interaction with apprenticeship, industrial seminars, industrial training, and industry exposure visits.

  • Attain accreditation status from National Board of Accreditation in a phased manner for Government and provide world class Polytechnic education in the state by 2024.

  • Challenges for accreditation in Government polytechnics - digitalization of library, infrastructure gaps, and modernized laboratories meeting industry – skilling requirements.

  • Reduce the mismatch between the demand and supply of skilled man-power.

    • Prepare students for identified vocations with an emphasis on development of attitudes, knowledge, and skills for entrepreneurship and self-employment.

    • Provide opportunities to fulfil the needs of women, rural and tribal students.

    • Provide residential & non-residential training for candidates from interior & backward areas and also locals from nearby areas.